Why do you need travel insurance if you have EHIC?

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EHIC, i.e. European Health Insurance Card, is a document common for all European Union and European Economic Area countries (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein) and the Swiss Confederation, which entitles citizens of these countries to receive state-funded emergency and necessary health care to the extent ensured for inhabitants of each relevant country. The EHIC can be used in foreign clinics that are members of the National Sickness Fund and that have accepted the usage of the EHIC. Therefore, before seeking medical care abroad, we recommend you to inquire in advance whether the relevant clinic accepts the EHIC.

All residents of the Republic of Latvia may receive the EHIC card for free, therefore, when traveling abroad, be sure to obtain the EHIC card. For more information about the possibilities of receiving the EHIC card, visit the website of the National Health Service .

Next, let's look at the main reasons why BTA Travel Insurance is also necessary if EVAK has been issued:

  • The EHIC card does not cover the costs and fees for client’s transportation, repatriation, emergency/ rescue services, which can amount to very significant expenses.
  • Even in the case when the client enters a foreign clinic that accepts the EHIC, the customer will be charged to pay the fees mandatory in the relevant country. Although in Latvia patient fees are relatively low, in Europe they can be even more than 10 times higher.
  • When using the EHIC, the foreign clinic receives the payment from the Latvian State budget within two years, therefore in most cases private clinics, including dentists and ski resort clinics, refuse to accept the EHIC.
  • The EHIC card does not provide protection against other risks which may occur during traveling or foreign trips.

An example showing the necessity for the EHIC and Travel Insurance :

  • State of health of a resident of Latvia suddenly deteriorated while visiting a country in the European Union. As a result, the woman was placed in a clinic. When her health condition slightly improved and it was possible to evacuate her to her country of origin, the bill for medical services amounted to EUR 24 000.
  • Given that the Latvian resident had the EHIC, she did not have to pay the entire amount from her own personal funds. The EHIC covered 75% (EUR 18 000) of the medical expenses, the remaining 25% (6 000 EUR) would have to be covered by the woman herself, if she had not had the BTA travel insurance policy. Medical evacuation costs that were not covered by the EHIC amounted to EUR 4 300.

If the woman, additionally to the security provided by the EHIC, had not purchased the BTA Travel insurance , she would have to pay EUR 10 300 for the medical services received in the foreign clinic and medical evacuation to Latvia from her own personal funds. In this case, this amount was covered by BTA.






Deductible CASCO
Insured risks

We at BTA, indemnify traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.




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