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Cycling patrol "Velopatruļa" campaign participants provide cyclists with consultations on safe driving

21 Aug 2024
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Cycling patrol "Velopatruļa" campaign participants provide cyclists with consultations on safe driving

21 Aug 2024

Last year, more than 500 cyclists and about 400 electric scooter drivers were injured in road traffic accidents in Latvia, among which at least a quarter are minors. In particular, a lot of accidents occurs in summer, when there are more cyclists on the streets than in the rest of the seasons. To promote awareness of the most vulnerable traffic participants regarding road traffic safety, BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS (BTA) in cooperation with the State Police, the Riga State City Municipal Police and the PoliceMen's Bicycle Society is organizing an information campaign Cycling patrol "Velopatruļa". Within this framework, insurers, police officers and bicycle technicians last Saturday at the "Akropole ALFA" shopping mall reminded dozens of interested people about the most important aspects of safety and checked the technical condition of bicycles for free. In the upcoming weeks, four more such promotions will take place in Riga.

Data from the State Police show that the situation with the safety of vulnerable road users is still not good enough. Since 2020, the number of accidents involving electric scooter drivers has quadrupled – if in 2020 there were 102 such road traffic accidents were registered, then last year there were already 420. Moreover, one of the groups that often gets involved in such accidents is young people between the ages of 17 and 21, and most of the accidents are severe. The injured suffer injuries to be treated for a long time or even permanent health problems.

Cyclists have become more careful in the last couple of years, but the overall number of road accidents remains high. Last year, police registered 725 accidents, compared to 919 in 2019. It is particularly alarming that the fifth part of the injured are children.  The largest number of accidents involving bicycles and electric scooters occur during the warmer months of the year – from the beginning of May to the end of September.

"The high number of children and young people affected by traffic accidents is an important signal that the each and everyone of us needs to significantly improve our behaviour on public roads. Both drivers of cars, and bicycles and electric scooters need to become more careful. Therefore, together with police representatives, we will address new road users and tell them how to reduce traffic risks and how to avoid unforeseen expenses in the event of an accident» explains BTA Management Board member Evija Matveja the essence of the campaign, while reminding that bicycles can also be and should be insured.

During the campaign, the participants of the Cycling patrol "Velopatruļa" are available near the shopping mall "Akropole ALFA", where they give advice on safe driving, perform technical inspections of bicycles free of charge, as well as advise on the insurance options for bicycles and scooters.

«To prevent vulnerable road users from suffering from road accidents, taking care of safety while driving is of utmost importance. In order for the trip not to end in bad and painful injuries, it is important to remember that children must have a protective helmet fastened on their head at all times, it is also recommended for adults for their own safety. Also, in order to protect yourself from various injuries when falling, it is recommended to use knee and elbow protectors while driving. It is essential to take special care when crossing a roadway, intersection or exits from backyards. Before hitting the road, we encourage both adults and parents with children to check and make sure of the technical condition of their bicycles - it must be equipped with brakes and light reflectors. If you are riding a bicycle when it’s dark or when visibility is insufficient, the bicycle must be equipped with light reflectors on both sides of the wheels, in the front it requires a white reflector, in the back it requires a red reflector, as well as a white lamp should be lit in the front, and a red lamp should be lit in the back» emphasizes Līga Trukšāne, Chief Inspector of the Prevention Division of the Riga Regional Administration of the State Police.

Since both residents and travellers are happy to use bicycles in the capital during the summertime, during this time in Riga public order and safety is monitored by the bicycle crews of the Riga State Municipal Police. Controlling drivers who park their vehicles on sidewalks and bicycle routes, as well as delivery transport parking, is the main task of the bicycle crews. Police bicycle crews pay special attention to the center of the capital.

In turn, since the beginning of May, employees of the Riga State City Municipal Police have been monitoring how drivers of shared electric scooters and bicycles observe the zones specified in the capital, where the prohibition on parking of shared electric scooters and bicycles is in force, as well as how the speed limits are observed in certain zones in Riga, where the speed of a shared vehicle may not exceed 20 km per hour. The aim of these changes is to create a safer environment in the capital by protecting the interests and safety of road users, in particular the most vulnerable, as well as to prevent accidents, including the promotion of the safe movement of drivers of shared vehicles and the use of shared micromobility tools with respect for other road users.

The team of Cycling patrol "Velopatruļa" will meet you at the entrance B of the "Akropole"

  • 17th of August, 13:00-16:00;
  • 23rd of August, 13:00-16:00;
  • 30th of August, 13:00-16:00;
  • 6th of September, 13:00-16:00.

Additional information:
Līva Strautmane
Internal communication manager in the Baltics
BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS
mobile: 26065133






Deductible CASCO
Insured risks

We at BTA, indemnify traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.




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