CASCO Insurance
BTA informs that BTA does not offer insurance services in the country, which is indicated in your IP address, please contact BTA Customer support service +371 26 12 12 12.
Your CASCO insurance will cover the costs if you collide with another vehicle, an obstacle, a pedestrian, an animal or another object, or if a vehicle overturns, falls, sinks or becomes stuck in the ice.
More and more often in our daily lives, we are confronted with natural disasters - storms, floods, lightning and hail - which can also cause damage to your car. Your CASCO car insurance will cover the damage caused by these disasters.
We'll reimburse you for the cost of repairing or replacing your windscreen, for example if you're driving on gravel roads in Latvia and a stone flying from an oncoming car damages your windscreen.
We'll reimburse you for damage caused when your vehicle drives into a puddle or flooded areas. Have hit a pothole? We will reimburse the cost of buying and replacing a tyre and wheel rim.
If you are unable to continue your journey as a result of an accident, we will provide assistance to diagnose the damage, carry out any repairs that may be necessary in the road conditions, and get you back to where you were planning to be before the accident. We'll even deliver fuel if you suddenly run out of fuel while driving.
Your CASCO insurance will cover the costs of violent carjacking or theft.
Are you stranded due to an accident and don't want to use public transport? BTA will provide a replacement car while your car undergoes the necessary repairs.
We'll cover the cost of medical treatment, medicine, dressing materials and injuries for the driver and passengers as a result of a car accident.
The choice is yours! BTA offers a wide network of partners, but if you want, you can repair the technical damage caused by an accident at a well-known and trusted car shop.
Collision occurred with a vehicle in front of you. The entire front left side is damaged, left wheel off. Paid indemnity 10 677 €.
A stone flying from an oncoming car hit the windscreen of the client's car, causing a crack in the car glass. Paid indemnity 2 973 €.
During client’s car repair we’ll provide a replacement car for 30 days. Replacement car expenses 874 €.
The client's car has had both headlights stolen, the wiring looms broken off and the wires damaged. Paid indemnity 6 786 €.
The hail damaged the windscreen and the entire left side of the car body. Paid indemnity 17 741 €.
The client's car was damaged - bonnet, headlights, radiator grille and right wing - in a collision with a roe deer. Paid indemnity 5 351 €.
Complete insurance claim application at customers portal My BTA.
We will help you to understand what kind of documents should be completed required by insurance claim decision-making.
We will consider your claim and let you know about the decision asap. It takes us 3-5 days as of receipt of all the requested document on average to consider an insurance claim case.
By means of DriveX application prepare your car photos quickly and simply and send them remotely - no more in-person photos and inspections.
When buying CASCO online you can choose the sum of your deductible. The higher the deductible the lower the insurance payment. What’s a deductible?
Same as Spotify, Go3 or Tet TV+, you can subscribe for car insurance as well and make monthly CASCO payments easier - you won’t have to think about it when you rest.
Fill in the application and we will contact you on the desired topic.
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We at BTA, indemnify traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.
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Enter here the sum insured value, which is the amount necessary to purchase a similar vehicle, taking in account the depreciation of the vehicle.
We need few seconds to calculate best prices for you, you don’t even have time to read this message :)
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