Whatever the odds, take care of yourself!
Individualized approach to everyone's needs and expectations
Specialized offers for various situations of life
Protected against contingencies
General terms and conditions of civil liability insurance No 21.01. (version valid for policies issued from 31.01.2012)
Terms and conditions of general civil liability insurance of individuals No 21.01.-01 (version valid for policies issued from 28.08.2013)
Terms and conditions of general civil liability insurance of individuals No 19.2 (version valid for policies issued from 14.12.2010)
Frequently asked questions
In order to protect yourself from any losses which might arise as a result of accidental damage to property belonging to another person, or damage caused to health or life of another person, any individual may insure his or her general civil liability.
Risk to cause losses to another person may be related to some specific activities which require specific insurance protection, therefore it is important to identify these risks and include them in insurance protection. It is possible to insure them individually or combine all of them in one insurance contract.
We offer the following insurance coverages:- General third-party liability
Liability shall be insured for the day-today life situational loss caused by you or your kids to other persons. - Private property owner’s/lessee’s third-party liability
Liability shall be insured for the use, management or use for the purposes, unrelated to business operations, of the real estate owned, leased or leased out by you. - Contractor’s – construction work performer’s third-party liability
Your liability shall be insured for organizing construction work for personal needs or participating therein. If you intend to perform construction work that require a construction permit under the requirements of regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia, regulatory enactments envisage that Construction contractors’ general third-party liability insurance is strictly necessary for you as well. - Trainee’s third-party liability
Your liability as a Trainee shall be insured in the course of educational traineeship or as a natural person upon participation in experience exchange programmes or education programmes.
- Harm caused to life or health
- Moral damage
- Damage to property
- Consequential financial losses arising from damage to property
- Litigation expenses
- Rescue expenses
- Expertise expenses
- Environmental pollution
- Damages caused by land vehicle (except where compulsory insurance is applicable, also air vehicles including drones or mechanical ships or boats)
- Expenses related to a third-party business interruption
- Damage caused to entrusted (incl. rented) immovable property
- Damage caused to entrusted movable property
Insuring civil liability, the validity territory of the policy will be specified in your insurance policy.
The insurance validity territory may be specified according to your needs – it may be both a specific territory indicated in your insurance policy, such as your home address, and territory of the Republic of Latvia; moreover, if you often travel abroad, we offer an expanded validity territory of the policy – Europe or world-wide.
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