What should you pay attention to when choosing the accident insurance?

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It has long been known that accident insurance is necessary both for adults and for children because it provides financial protection in case of unexpected events, and this type of insurance is no longer a rocket science. Accident insurance will cover medical expenses, treatment, rehabilitation and other expenses that may arise due to accidents or illnesses. It will let you and your family members feel more at peace.

The main factors to consider

When choosing an accident insurance service, it is important to consider several factors.

  • Insurance coverage amount. Make sure that the insurance policy includes all the major risks. Does it include accidents, illnesses, disability and other risks that may occur?
  • Premium costs. Compare premiums offered by various insurers. The cheapest option is not always the best, but extremely high premiums may also be unprofitable.
  • Policy conditions. Carefully read the policy conditions. Are there any exceptions or restrictions? Is additional information or health check necessary? What risk includes a sub-limit, and is it understandable and acceptable?
  • Customer service. Before you choose an insurer, research their quality of customer service. Will they be available to answer your questions and solve your problems right when it is necessary?

Remember that accident insurance is an important step to protect yourself and your family. Make a careful choice to ensure that your insurance policy corresponds to your needs.

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Coverage of the accident insurance

Make sure that the insurance policy includes all the major risks. For example, BTA Accident Insurance may include the following risks and support depending on the type of the selected programme: injuries; medical expenses; payment for dental services; cosmetic surgeries; Child’s joy; psychological assistance; hospital money; social security; expenses for a private tutor; and insurance of critical diseases; loss of capacity to work; as well as death, and funeral benefit. You can view the listed risks and support descriptions on our website under the section BTA Accident Insurance.

Injury insurance

Of course, accident insurance includes injury insurance as well. It means that if you or your child has an accident, e.g., falling, spraining a leg or hitting the head, insurance may cover such expenses as treatment, rehabilitation, etc. This is an example of indemnity paid to a BTA customer in relation to an injury:

The customer paid €51.25 for the B3 policy. Accident – while walking down the street, the customer tripped and injured his hand. A fracture of the humerus was diagnosed. BTA customer was paid the following indemnity:

  • for the injury – €240,
  • medical expenses – €1,000,
  • hospital money – €20.

Children’s insurance

Yes, accident insurance is important for children as well, especially during summer vacation when they engage in various sports events and activities. For which situations will accident insurance be useful?

  • Sports injuries. Children often participate in active games, sports competitions and other physical activities. Such accidents as falls, sprains or fractures may occur at any moment. Insurance may cover medical expenses if the child has an injury.
  • Travel and excursions.Children often participate in excursions, camps or trips during their summer vacation. Accident insurance may cover expenses if the child falls ill or has an accident during travel.
  • Activities in water. In summer, children often swim, enjoy jet ski or participate in other water sport activities. Accident insurance may cover expenses in the case of accident in water.
  • Accidents at home.Children may injure themselves at home as well, for example, by tripping on the stairs or injuring themselves while preparing a meal. Insurance may help in covering such expenses as treatment or rehabilitation.

This is an example of an accident insurance and indemnity paid by BTA.

The customer paid €52.50 for the B3 policy. Accident – while playing basketball, a team-mate hit the customer’s head with a basketball, resulting in a diagnosis of concussion and 9 days spent in the hospital. BTA customer was paid the following indemnity:

  • for the injury – €80,
  • medical expenses – €560,
  • hospital money – €180
  • Child’s joy – €15.

Sports insurance

If you apply for an accident insurance on the BTA website, an insurance related to physical activities and sports at an amateur level is included by default:

If you leave the option “Yes”, all types of individual and organised physical activities at amateur or hobby level are insured, including competition in any of the following types of sports: rowing; Eastern martial arts; basketball; biathlon; driving a jet ski (in interior or coastal water), sailing (in interior or coaster water, including yacht sailing); duathlon; floorball; football; handball; hockey; horse riding; canoe; lacrosse; hunting; modern pentathlon; fencing; roller-skating; skiing; kayaking; snowboarding; streetball; weight lifting; road cycling; tennis; triathlon; windsurfing; volleyball; and winter swimming.

The customer purchased a B3 programme policy for 61.50 €. Accident – the customer injured his leg while playing football. A ruptured Achilles tendon was diagnosed. BTA customer was paid the following indemnity:

  • for the injury – €720,
  • medical expenses – €690,
  • hospital money – €80.






Deductible CASCO
Insured risks

We at BTA, indemnify traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.




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